My labor of love

My labor of love

It’s been a full year since I launched Flamingo Strategies and Hacking Away at Happiness.

Exactly a year, in fact, since last Labor Day, when I took my website public and proclaimed my plan to go it alone in the gig economy.

For this old dog, time has blistered by.

Because I’ve been busy learning new tricks.

Before life gets in the way, I should really write a few things down.

I hope these humble observations are helpful. Especially for those of you who also are hacking away, every day, to make your world—our world—a kinder, gentler, and happier place.

We are not alone—From camping solo, to cultivating my still-small client base, a cheering section of boosters and besties has kept me going. I thought I was a solopreneur, but that’s not true. I’m happiest when my words inspire others. I think I’m a peoplepreneur.

Every dog has her day—My mother used to say, “Good things come to those who wait.” Forget that! I say, “Good things come to those who earn them!” And each of us, in our own way, has already earned the right to be happy and whole.

Going from good to grace—Hey Jim Collins: Hear us roar! Instead of chasing absolute notions of “good” or “great,” we women and men of a certain age now aim for grace. That’s the lightness of foot—the happy satisfaction—that lies between trying too hard and not enough.

So, my friends, here’s to another Labor Day.

May we all labor—in the very best way—at something we love.

These Days of Awe

These Days of Awe

Source vs. site energy

Source vs. site energy